MASTERCLASS: How To Launch Your First Successful Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Campaign – 1

For decades Peer to Peer fundraising has been one of the main fundraising activities in English-speaking countries. In the UK, the top 25 charity events in 2016 alone raised £139.5 million and in the USA 25% of charity donations are made to P2P campaigns. Furthermore, over USD 1 billion has been raised through Facebook’s charitable giving tools globally, of which Facebook birthday fundraisers have raised over $300 million for charities in the last year alone.

As well as being a fantastic new way of raising money, Peer to Peer fundraising is also a great way to recruit new supporters and draw on the passion of existing supporters for your cause.

In this interactive masterclass, you will learn strategies and techniques that will enable you to plan and execute your first Peer to Peer campaign as well as optimize your existing Peer to Peer program.

We will use UNICEF Hungary as a case study to showcase how a small team took these ideas and launched their first real Peer to Peer program.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how Peer to Peer fundraising works and how it can benefit your charity and supporters;
  • Learn what activities work best for Peer to Peer fundraising;
  • How to set up your first Peer to Peer campaign – from choosing your fundraising concept to selecting your fundraising tools;
  • How to recruit fundraisers from among new and existing supporters
  • How to give your fundraisers a great experience.

Masterclass Marco Kuntze & Anett Matkó

Fundraising from the many
Location: Date: 9 October 2019 Time: 14:30 - 16:00 Marco Kuntze
Relishing Digital (GB)
Anett Matkó
UNICEF Hungary (HU)