Would you like to raise more funds and brand awareness for your non-profit organization (NPO)? We will discuss the benefits and challenges of corporate fundraising in CEE and focus on several smart and friendly case studies, which could have a high ROI on your budget and raise awareness for your cause.
Learning outcomes:
- Understanding key findings with regard to corporate fundraising partnerships in CEE;
- Why & How should your NPO partner with business? Why should a business partner with your NPO? What kind of corporate partnership is best?
- Analysis of your NPO’s readiness and capacity to create, expand and sustain corporate fundraising relationships.
- Best practices and proven successful corporate fundraising case studies and partnerships.
- Each participant to craft their own “next steps” for their NPO’s corporate fundraising plan based on the sessions’ discussion.
Who should attend:
Fundraisers who want to increase their organization’s funds, mission awareness and brand by building partnerships with corporations.