We spend more time on our phones with Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Tinder, than with our friends and family. We depend on our phones for friendship and dating, as well shopping, navigating, entertainment, and so much more. Big tech dominates our screens, but if your NGO could win a little space on that little screen, how could you build a relationship with your supporters and acquire and retain more of them? In this session you will get ideas on:
We’ll look at case studies from the Humane Society of the United States, the Human Rights Campaign, Cancer Research UK, Oxfam UK, Greenpeace, NGOs from Central and Eastern Europe and other NGOs and corporations who are using mobile to build their supporter bases and acquire and retain new donors. And we’ll form small teams to design campaigns for our organizations.
Learning outcomes:
Who should attend:
Anyone dealing with digital fundraising and communications because digital = mobile = social.